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In a Yellow Wood

In a Yellow Wood

by Gore Vidal

Robert Holton removed several dark hairs from his comb and wondered if his hairline was receding. He squinted for a moment at himself in the mirror and decided that he was not losing his hair, not yet anyway.Then he sat down on the edge of the bed and put on his shoes. He started to tie the laces of the left shoe when he began to think of his dream..

The Building in Japan

The Building in Japan

by Teijiro Takagi

The head carpenter first makes a calculation of the quantity of timber necessary to complete the building and so much timber is carried to the spot where the house will be built. Here the head carpenter has to use his talent seriously for choosing the timbers, appropriate for poles, upper and lower beams, railings and halls, etc., so that the best ..

The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 3, April 1836)

The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 3, April 1836)

by Students of Yale

In tracing society through the various stages of its progress from barbarism to civilization, we observe, almost universally, a point intermediate between the two, where the foundations of the social system seem to be broken up, and anarchy and confusion prevail. Among men in a state of the greatest rudeness and ignorance, customs and manners are c..

Summer Morning -  A poem

Summer Morning - A poem

by Thomas Miller

Morning again breaks through the mines of Heaven,And shakes her jewelled kirtle on the sky,Heavy with rosy gold. Aside are drivenThe vassal clouds, which bow as she draws nigh,And catch her scattered gems of orient dye,The pearlèd-ruby which her pathway strews;Argent and amber, now thrown useless by.The uncoloured clouds wear what she doth refuse,F..

The Principle of Relativity

The Principle of Relativity

by Albert Einstein

Lord Kelvin writing in 1893, in his preface to the English edition of Hertz’s Researches on Electric Waves, says “many workers and many thinkers have helped to build up the nineteenth century school of plenum, one ether for light, heat, electricity, magnetism; and the German and English volumes containing Hertz’s electrical papers, given to the wor..

Religious Experience and Journal of Mrs. Jarena Lee

Religious Experience and Journal of Mrs. Jarena Lee

by Jarena Lee

I was born February 11th, 1783, at Cape May, State of New Jersey. At the age of seven years I was parted from my parents, and went to live as a servant maid, with a Mr. Sharp, at the distance of about sixty miles from the place of my birth.My parents being wholly ignorant of the knowledge of God, had not therefore instructed me in any degree in thi..

The Garnet Story Book

The Garnet Story Book

by Ada M. Skinner

About the middle of the last century there was printed in England a children’s story with the attractive title, “The Good Natured Bear.” This story, written by Robert H. Horne, was reviewed by William Makepeace Thackeray, who at that time signed his criticisms M. A. Titmarsh. Mr. Thackeray wrote an article entitled “On Some Illustrated Children’s B..

The Goblin Groom -  a Tale of Dunse

The Goblin Groom - a Tale of Dunse

by R. O. Fenwick

The Author of the Goblin Groom can, on no consideration, be induced to follow the example of the amiable and justly celebrated Madame de Genlis, who, in her Historical Romance of the Chevaliers du Cygne, observes,—“Enfin l’ideè de faire mourir l’heroine de l’histoire des les premieres pages, et cependant de s’occuper d’elle jusqu’ a la fin, est peu..