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The Missing Will
by Agatha ChristieThe problem presented to us by Miss Violet Marsh made a rather pleasant change from our usual routine work. Poirot had received a brisk and businesslike note from the lady asking for an appointment, and he had replied, asking her to call upon him at eleven o’clock the following day.She arrived punctually—a tall, handsome young woman, plainly but ne..
Woman: Her Position and Influence in Ancient Greece and Rome, and among the Early Christians
by James DonaldsonEverything that has life has a course within certain limits predetermined for it, through which it passes until it finally disappears. The seed of the oak gathers materials from earth and sky until it fashions itself into the majestic tree. It will not become a rose or an elm. So it is with the higher animals and man. The lines of their progress th..
A History of Epidemic Pestilences
by Edward BascomeFeeling it to be incumbent on every one to contribute to the good of his fellow-men, in as far as his experience enables him—“Non sibi sed toti mundo se credere natum;”and presuming on the practical knowledge gained during a sojourn of a quarter of a century in climes that are not the most hospitable, the Author has been induced to offer to the pub..
Korean Fairy Tales
by William Elliot GriffisEverywhere on earth the fairy world of each country is older and perhaps more enduring than the one we see and feel and tread upon. So I tell in this book the folk lore of the Korean people, and of the behavior of the particular kind of fairies that inhabit the Land of Morning Splendor. Yet, if I live long enough, I shall write the wonderful histor..
Aspects of Nature, in Different Lands and Different Climates Vol 1 of 2
by Alexander von HumboldtIt is not without diffidence that I present to the public a series of papers which took their origin in the presence of natural scenes of grandeur or of beauty,—on the Ocean, in the forests of the Orinoco, in the Steppes of Venezuela, and in the mountain wildernesses of Peru and Mexico. Detached fragments were written down on the spot and at the mo..
Elsie and the Raymonds
by Martha FinleyLulu Raymond was the person addressed. She and Max had just alighted from the Woodburn family carriage—having been given permission to do a little shopping together—and she had paused upon the pavement for a moment to look after it as it rolled away down the street with her father, who had some business matters to attend to in the city that afterno..
The Bird Boys' Aeroplane Wonder
by John Luther LangworthyFrank and his cousin Andy had become quite famous throughout the region around Bloomsbury, a town in Central New York, on account of the wonderful success they had made of aviation. Indeed, some of the doings of the Bird Boys, as they were called, had even found their way into the columns of the big metropolitan papers, and among professional birdm..
The Rider of the Mohave
by James FellomNear by stood his horse. He reached it and, with a vigilant glance about, threw back one of the flaps of his saddlebags and plunged a rummaging hand inside. It came forth with a folded piece of wrapping paper and several nails he had placed there the day before.With a reckless chuckle, he wound his bandanna around his face leaving only his eyes exp..