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Memories and Adventures

Memories and Adventures

by Arthur Conan Doyle

I have a little bundle of my father’s letters written in those days, full of appreciation of the kindness which he met with and full, also, of interesting observations on that Scottish society, rough, hard-drinking and kindly, into which he had been precipitated at a dangerously early age, especially for one with his artistic temperament. He had so..

Motor Camping

Motor Camping

by John Cuthbert Long

Most of us are possessed of the desire to be somewhere else. Since the dawn of history hordes of men have pressed into new countries. Sometimes the expeditions have been in search of food and plunder, but mixed in with these motives has been the human passion for something better, the hope for sunnier scenes lying over the horizon. Hemmed in by the..

Nick Carter Stories No. 137

Nick Carter Stories No. 137

by Nicholas Carter

Carlin’s name was supposed to be Peter. That had been shortened by his associates to “Pete.” Afterward the final “e” had been clipped off, because of his inoffensive appearance and manner, and he was known as “Pet.” Nick Carter shut off his power, and manipulated the wheel carefully, as he saw that the man in the other boat was recklessly driving s..

Plantation Echoes

Plantation Echoes

by Elliott Blaine Henderson

The music of the American negro, the fresh and spontaneous expression of a good and care-free heart, has long been one of the most pleasing features of American life. It is human nature in its first vocal garb—original and unique, often humorous and always true to the sentiment of the singer. If there ever was an illustration of the close relations..

The Law of Hotel Life

The Law of Hotel Life

by Robert Vashon Rogers

The author knows as well as did old Burton that "books are so plentiful that they serve to put under pies, to lap spice in, and keep roast meat from burning," yet he ventures to offer another volume to the public, trusting that some men’s fancies will incline towards and approve of it; for "writings are so many dishes, readers guests, books like be..

A Cigarette Clew

A Cigarette Clew

by Nicholas Carter

When Gillman entered the dive it was half filled with{58} a roaring complement of sailormen, every one in the lot considerably more than “half seas over.”The air was thick with tobacco smoke, heavy with the fumes of cheap beer, and resounding with sea songs—every song pitched in a different key and sung in a different language. Nick Carter had esta..

Fabre's Book of Insects

Fabre's Book of Insects

by Mrs. Rodolph Stawell

We all have our own talents, our special gifts. Sometimes these gifts seem to come to us from our forefathers, but more often it is difficult to trace their origin. A goatherd, perhaps, amuses himself by counting little pebbles and doing sums with them. He becomes an astoundingly quick reckoner, and in the end is a professor of mathematics. Another..

Rubber Hand Stamps and the Manipulation of Rubber

Rubber Hand Stamps and the Manipulation of Rubber

by T. O'Conor Sloane

The present work hardly needs a preface. The object is to present in the simplest form the subject of the manipulation of india rubber. To mould and cure the mixed gum but few appliances are needed, and these can be made at home. For some reason the methods of moulding the material are not generally known. Experiment has taught many the futili..