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Lives of Two Cats

Lives of Two Cats

by Pierre Loti

The face of the new cat was very prepossessing. The young, brilliant eyes, the tip of a pink nose, and all else lost in a mass of silken Angora fur; white, warm, clean, exquisite to fondle and caress. Besides, she was marked nearly like her predecessor from Senegal, which fact probably decided the selection of my mother and aunt Clara,—to the end t..

Making Good for Muley

Making Good for Muley

by W. C. Tuttle

Muley was a poetical puncher, of considerable avoirdupois, and he found Susie a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Susie was a niece of Zeb Abernathy, who owned a sheep outfit on Willow Creek, and a grouch toward all cowmen—and Muley punched cows for the Cross J outfit, and drew forty a month from old man Whittaker.I’m not belittling Muley’s salary..

The Character and Happiness of Them That Die in the Lord

The Character and Happiness of Them That Die in the Lord

by William Dealtry

Amidst the visions of the Apocalypse, St. John had just beheld an emblematical representation of the Church of Christ, and of its Almighty Protector: a Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, with a hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads: the faithful followers of their Lord in a corrupt and degenerate age; t..

Apollo and Marsyas, and Other Poems

Apollo and Marsyas, and Other Poems

by Eugene Lee-Hamilton

Apollo and Marsyas, and Other Poems, by Eugene Lee-Hamilton is a collection of poems and sonnets written by Eugene Lee-Hamilton. This collection includesAPOLLO AND MARSYASSISTER MARY OF THE PLAGUETHE BRIDE OF PORPHYRIONHUNTING THE KINGABRAHAM CAREWAN ODE OF THE TUSCAN SHORESWORD AND SICKLE..

The Last Laugh

The Last Laugh

by D. H. Lawrence

There was a little snow on the ground, and the church clock had just struck midnight. Hampstead in the night of winter for once was looking pretty, with clean, white earth and lamps for moon, and dark sky above the lamps.A confused little sound of voices, a gleam of hidden yellow light. And then the garden door of a tall, dark Georgian house sudden..

A Whirl Asunder

A Whirl Asunder

by Gertrude Atherton

Clive had spent seven days on the ocean, three in the furious energy of New York, and six on a transcontinental train, whose discomforts made him wonder if he had a moral right to enter the embarrassing state of matrimony with a temper hopelessly soured. As he had come to California to marry, and as his betrothed was at a hotel in the northern redw..

Our Humble Helpers

Our Humble Helpers

by Jean-Henri Fabre

In its purpose and style this book closely resembles the same author’s “Story-Book of Science,” and it belongs to the same series. To many readers, however, it is likely to prove even more interesting than its predecessor, inasmuch as the domestic animals are more familiar and hence more interesting to many persons than the ant, the spider, the pla..

The Curse of Eve

The Curse of Eve

by Arthur Conan Doyle

Robert Johnson was an essentially commonplace man, with no feature to distinguish him from a million others. He was pale of face, ordinary in looks, neutral in opinions, thirty years of age, and a married man. By trade he was a gentleman’s outfitter in the New North Road, and the competition of business squeezed out of him the little character that..