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The Star

The Star

by H. G. Wells

Scientific people, however, found the intelligence remarkable enough, even before it became known that the new body was rapidly growing larger and brighter, that its motion was quite different from the orderly progress of the planets, and that the deflection of Neptune and its satellite was becoming now of an unprecedented kind.Few people without t..

Barbara Hale: A Doctor's Daughter

Barbara Hale: A Doctor's Daughter

by Lilian Garis

Esther didn’t try to answer the charge. They were, all three of them, just at that stage of young girlhood that might be called the mimic stage. They said smart things, or tried to say them, because older girls acted that way. True, the older girls never deigned to associate with Cara, and her “set.” Just “kids” they were still being inelegantly st..

Icelandic Fairy Tales

Icelandic Fairy Tales

by Mrs. Angus W. Hall

Fairy Tales seem scarcely to require any preface, but in publishing these quaint Norse legends, a few explanatory remarks may not be out of place. In their original form, many of the stories are somewhat crude and rough for juvenile reading. This it has been the Editor’s endeavour to ameliorate by eliminating all objectionable matter, while at the ..

Mopsa the Fairy

Mopsa the Fairy

by Jean Ingelow

Jean Ingelow may be said to have begun her study of the art of writing child-rhymes and the tales that are akin to them under Jane and Ann Taylor. A friendship had sprung up between the families at Walton-on-the-Naze in Essex, where the Ingelow youngsters used to stay; and “Greedy Dick” and “Mrs. Duck, the notorious glutton,” were among their favou..

Nick Carter Stories No. 11

Nick Carter Stories No. 11

by Nicholas Carter

He had not been a success as a preacher, but he had a little money, some two or three thousand dollars, and Claymore had persuaded him that with it he could make his fortune in oil. There was nothing dishonest in discovering oil and digging for it, for if there had been, the clergyman would not have touched the scheme.Supposing that it was all righ..

The Lady from Long Acre

The Lady from Long Acre

by Victor Bridges

The Cosmopolitan Club, the headquarters of British pugilism, is situated in Covent Garden. It is regarded by some excellent people as a plague spot that will eventually be wiped away by the rising flood of a more humanized civilization, but this opinion can hardly be said to represent the views of the porter and carmen who frequent the vicinity. To..

The Red Lodge: A Mystery of Campden Hill

The Red Lodge: A Mystery of Campden Hill

by Victor Bridges

Sir George laughed. "It's a genuine enough offer," he said. "He confided to me that he'd just undertaken some very important researches, and that it was absolutely necessary he should have a first-class man to help him. I thought of you at once. I said all the complimentary things I could about your work, and I added, as a sort of little extra indu..

To the American Indian

To the American Indian

by Lucy Thompson

As there has been so much said and written about the American Indians, with my tribe, the Klamath Indians, included, by the white people, which is guessed at and not facts, I deem it necessary to first tell you who I am, for which please do not criticise me as egotistical.I am a pure full blooded Klamath river woman. In our tongue we call this grea..