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Why go to College

Why go to College

by Clayton Sedgwick Cooper

The characteristics of a college course demanded by our American undergraduates is determined by two things; first, by the character of the man who is to be educated, and second, by the kind of world in which the man is to live and work. Without these two factors vividly and practically in mind, all plans for courses of study, recreation, teaching,..

Early Greek philosophy

Early Greek philosophy

by John Burnet

It was not till the primitive view of the world and the customary rules of life had broken down, that the Greeks, began to feel the needs which philosophies of nature and of conduct seek to satisfy. Nor were those needs felt all at once. The traditional maxims of conduct were not seriously questioned till the old view of nature had passed away; and..

Norma: A Flower Scout

Norma: A Flower Scout

by Lillian Elizabeth Roy

This evening, after supper, we sat talking about the work Natalie and Janet are doing on the farm. Natalie started a vegetable garden soon after she arrived at the farm, and now you ought to see those beds! Really, you would be amazed to see how the cuttings and seeds Natalie planted are growing. She says she is going to sell the produce to the sco..

Sidelights on Negro Soldiers

Sidelights on Negro Soldiers

by Charles H. Williams

It is the purpose of this book to tell something of the achievement of the Negro soldier in the World War and to describe the conditions under which he lived as these were seen by the writer, who for eighteen months investigated conditions in America and France under the auspices of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America and of the Ph..

The Early Christians in Rome

The Early Christians in Rome

by H. D. M. Spence-Jones

Of the five Books which make up this work, the First Book relates generally the history of the fortunes of the Church in Rome in the first days.The foundation stories of the Roman congregations were laid largely by the Apostles Peter and Paul—Peter, so with one accord say the earliest contemporary writers, being the first apostle who preached in Ro..

The Master Rogue

The Master Rogue

by David Graham Phillips

I cannot remember the time when I was not absolutely certain that I would be a millionaire. And I had not been a week in the big wholesale dry-goods house in Worth Street in which I made my New York start, before I looked round and said to myself: “I shall be sole proprietor here some day.”Probably clerks dream the same thing every day in every est..

The Worm Ouroboros

The Worm Ouroboros

by E. R. Eddison

There was a man named Lessingham dwelt in an old low house in Wastdale, set in a gray old garden where yew-trees flourished that had seen Vikings in Copeland in their seedling time. Lily and rose and larkspur bloomed in the borders, and begonias with blossoms big as saucers, red and white and pink and lemon-colour, in the beds before the porch. Cli..

Bumps and His Buddies

Bumps and His Buddies

by Marie Helene Gulbransen

Once there was a little boy named Bumps, a name he was given because of the many times he fell down, bumping his little legs and head. He was a roly-poly little chap, a bit too heavy for his height, and when he started off to work or play he was usually in such a hurry that he tumbled over. Now Bumps lived in a wee hut ’way off in the country, with..