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by A. A. Milne

If you happen to have read another book about Christopher Robin, you may remember that he once had a swan (or the swan had Christopher Robin, I don't know which) and that he used to call this swan Pooh. That was a long time ago, and when we said good-bye, we took the name with us, as we didn't think the swan would want it any more. Well, when Edwar..

The A B C of Relativity

The A B C of Relativity

by Bertrand Russell

Everybody knows that Einstein has done something astonishing, but very few people know exactly what it is that he has done. It is generally recognized that he has revolutionized our conception of the physical world, but his new conceptions are wrapped up in mathematical technicalities. It is true that there are innumerable popular accounts of the t..

The Animals' Christmas Tree

The Animals' Christmas Tree

by John P. Peters

Once upon a time the animals decided to have a Christmas tree, and this was how it came about. The swifts and the swallows in the chimneys in the country houses, awakened from their sleep by joy and laughter, had stolen down and peeped in upon scenes of happiness, the centre of which was always an evergreen tree covered with wonderful fruit, bright..

The North Americans of Antiquity

The North Americans of Antiquity

by John T. Short

The growing interest in the origin, migrations and life of the races of American Antiquity has led me to believe that the subjects considered in these pages would meet with the favorable attention of the public and of the specialist in this field. With such a conviction I present this volume, realizing the difficulties which attend any efforts to e..

Youth, Vol. I, No. 7, September 1902

Youth, Vol. I, No. 7, September 1902

by Herbert Leonard Coggins

It was in 1681 that the great Quaker completed the negotiations for the grant of Pennsylvania, and in the next year the first work of the building of the Proprietary House was begun. The plat chosen for its site was the one bounded by Front, Chestnut, Letitia, and High streets, the last now being named Market. In the place of the little cottage and..

Boy: A Sketch

Boy: A Sketch

by Marie Corelli

It is said by many people who are supposed to “know things,” that our life is frequently, if not always, influenced by the first impressions we ourselves receive of its value or worthlessness. Some folks, presuming to be wiser even than the wisest, go so far as to affirm that if you, while still an infant in long clothes, happen to take a disgust a..

Hints on the History and Management of the Honey Bee

Hints on the History and Management of the Honey Bee

by Edward Bevan

The bees collect also another substance called propolis, of a resinous nature. This is collected from certain trees, to fasten the combs to the roof of the hives, to varnish and strengthen the cell-work, and to stop up the crannies of the hive. This substance is used as soon as collected, while it is soft, none of it being stored, for its collector..

Massage & Exercises Combined

Massage & Exercises Combined

by Albrecht Jensen

In this volume I have endeavored to place before the public a novel method of real scientific massage movements combined with exercises, so that the benefits of both may be obtained simultaneously. The simplicity of its technic together with its ready personal application make it possible for any individual to achieve excellent results from its use..