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Practical House, Wagon and Automobile Painter

Practical House, Wagon and Automobile Painter

by W. F. White

When paint crawls it is because there is not sufficient adhesion between the undercoat and the new coat, caused usually by too much gloss on the undercoat. To prevent crawling subdue the gloss on the undercoat by sandpapering, rubbing, or by the application of some material which will have the desired effect; or, if on the outside, wait until the g..

The Honey-Bee: Its Natural History, Physiology and Management

The Honey-Bee: Its Natural History, Physiology and Management

by Edward Bevan

Although the great addition which has of late been made to our knowledge of the honey-bee, may seem to render a reference to ancient writers comparatively unimportant; yet a few prefatory observations, upon the rise and progress of apiarian science, may not be out of season.The natural history and management of bees would probably occupy the attent..

The Hunting Wasps

The Hunting Wasps

by Jean-Henri Fabre

Henri Fabre’s essays on Wasps will fill three volumes in all, of which this is the first. The others will be entitled The Mason-Wasps and More Hunting Wasps. The former will include the chapters on the Common or Social Wasp. The first seventeen chapters of the present book appeared some years ago, wholly or in part, in a version of vol. i. of the S..

The Sacred Tree

The Sacred Tree

by Murasaki Shikibu

GENJI is an illegitimate son of the Emperor; his mother dies soon after his birth. At the age of twelve he is affianced to Lady Aoi, the daughter of the Minister of the Left; but she is older than he is, and looks down upon him as a mere schoolboy. Years go by and they are still upon indifferent terms. Meanwhile Genji falls in love with Lady Rokujō..

Their Child

Their Child

by Robert Herrick

The child’s screams could be heard plainly, coming upward from the lawn, in shrill bursts of infantile passion. Mrs. Simmons was troubled with a mother’s confusion and distress. The nurse was holding little Oscar at arm’s length, for safety, while the child circled about her, kicking and thrusting with legs and arms. Mrs. Simmons stepped through th..

History of Iridotomy

History of Iridotomy

by S. Lewis Ziegler

To Cheselden has been conceded the honor of being the father and originator of iridotomy. Nearly two centuries have elapsed since he first published the report of his procedure in the Philosophical Transactions for 1728. Ever since that time, his signal success has been acknowledged by all except those who either failed to equal his dexterity, or w..

In the Year Ten Thousand

In the Year Ten Thousand

by Will N. Harben

The old man put his delicate fingers on the page. “A line of these words may have conveyed a valuable thought to a reader long ago,” he said, reflectively. “In fact, this book purports to be a history of the world up to the year 2000. Here are some pictures,” he continued, turning the worn leaves carefully. “This is George Washington; this a pope o..

Philosophumena  Volume II

Philosophumena Volume II

by Antipope Hippolytus

These are the contents of the 6th (book) of the Refutation of all Heresies. What Simon has dared, and that his doctrine is confirmed (by quotations) from magicians and poets. What Valentinus has laid down, and that his doctrine is not framed from the Scriptures, but from those of the Platonists and Pythagorists. And what is thought by Secundus, Pto..