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Playing Safe in Piperock

Playing Safe in Piperock

by W. C. Tuttle

Piperock looks like a siesta settlement, but she sure is deceiving. Few folks ever get killed in the town. The good old village usually invigorates ’em to a mile-a-minute clip, and we makes it a point never to shoot anybody in the back.She ain’t the birthplace of nobody, and nothing much except horse-thieves are buried there. When it comes to law a..

Polaris and the Goddess Glorian

Polaris and the Goddess Glorian

by Charles B. Stilson

In the antarctic wilds far below Ross Sea, Polaris Janess (Polaris—of the Snows), was born, of a mother he never knew, and grew to manhood's years knowing one human face only, that of his father. When that father died, the young man set his face to the north, to find the world of men, of which his father and his books had told him; and to deliver t..

Show Boat

Show Boat

by Edna Ferber

“Show Boat” is neither history nor biography, but fiction. This statement is made in the hope that it will forestall such protest as may be registered by demon statisticians against certain liberties taken with characters, places, and events. In the Chicago portion of the book, for example, a character occasionally appears some three or four years ..

Father Thames

Father Thames

by Walter Higgins

England is not a country of great rivers. No mighty Nile winds lazily across desert and fertile plains in its three and a half thousand miles course to the sea; no rushing Brahmaputra plunges headlong down its slopes, falling two or three miles as it crosses half a continent from icy mountain-tops to tropical sea-board. In comparison with such as t..

The Origin, Tendencies and Principles of Government

The Origin, Tendencies and Principles of Government

by Victoria C. Woodhull

The Origin, Tendencies and Principles of Government is a review of the rise and fall of nations from early historic time to the present; with special considerations regarding the future of the United States as the representative government of the world and the form of administration which will secure this consummation. Also, papers on human equalit..

A Woman Ventures

A Woman Ventures

by David Graham Phillips

ENTWORTH Bromfield was mourned by his widow and daughter with a depth that would have amazed him. For twenty-one years he had been an assistant secretary in the Department of State at Washington—a rather conspicuous position, with a salary of four thousand a year. Influential relatives representing Massachusetts in the House or in the Senate, and o..

Black Hawk's Warpath

Black Hawk's Warpath

by Herbert L. Risteen

Tom Gordon hastily finished his dish of stewed prunes, bolted a fat doughnut, drained his cup of black tea, and then joined his brother on the long porch which extended across the entire front of the low, rambling building. The two sixteen-year old lads were identical twins, both long of limb, freckle-faced and red-haired. Each wore cowhide boots, ..

Waheenee: An Indian Girl's Story

Waheenee: An Indian Girl's Story

by Gilbert Livingstone Wilson

The Hidatsas, called Minitaris by the Mandans, are a Siouan tribe and speak a language closely akin to that of the Crows. Wars with the Dakota Sioux forced them to ally themselves with the Mandans, whose culture they adopted. Lewis and Clark found the two tribes living in five villages at the mouth of the Knife river, in 1804.In 1832 the artist Cat..