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Dairy Disagreeables Busy the Bacteriologists

Dairy Disagreeables Busy the Bacteriologists

by F. H. Hall

The flavor of good milk and cream, then, is an inherent quality due to the normal constituents of the milk; the flavors of butter, both good and bad, except that due to the fat and to odors absorbed by the milk, are held to be the result of bacterial action; the fundamental flavors of cheese are probably due to chemical decomposition, started by un..

Corea: The Hermit Nation

Corea: The Hermit Nation

by William Elliot Griffis

Turning with delight and fascination to the study of Japanese history and antiquities, I found much that reflected light upon the neighbor country. On my return home, I continued to search for materials for the story of the last of the hermit nations. No master of research in China or Japan having attempted the task, from what Locke calls “the roun..

Fantasy: A Novel

Fantasy: A Novel

by Matilde Serao

The most prominent imaginative writer of the latest generation in Italy is a woman. What little is known of the private life of Matilde Serao adds, as forcibly as what may be divined from the tenour and material of her books, to the impression that every student of literary history must have formed of the difficulties which hem in the intellectual ..

Lost with Lieutenant Pike

Lost with Lieutenant Pike

by Edwin L. Sabin

This story takes the adventure trail of that young soldier-explorer Zebulon Montgomery Pike, who was lost in the mountains of southern Colorado one hundred years ago. Another story in the Trail Blazers Series has told of Captains Lewis and Clark, who explored the northwestern part of the new Louisiana Territory. They, also, were young. Captain Lewi..

Old Ninety-Nine's Cave

Old Ninety-Nine's Cave

by Elizabeth H. Gray

Tourists in the Shawangunk region are unanimous in pronouncing it one of the most beautiful spots east of the Mississippi, and in some respects unique on this continent. Mokonk and Minnewaska need no eulogy from any pen, Sam’s Point tells its own story, while the entire Rondout Valley has a charm of its own.It has been the author’s good fortune to ..

Shepherds for Science

Shepherds for Science

by A. A. Milne

Me and Dirty Shirt Jones prods our three burros across the border of Yaller Rock County, points north through the country where God dumped the leavings after He made the Bad Lands, and has visions of the old home town. Me and Dirty has abandoned the idea of finding gold where she ain’t, and right now we’re herding our sore-footed jassacks towards t..

The Hole Book

The Hole Book

by Peter Newell

Tom Potts was fooling with a gun(Such follies should not be),When—bang! the pesky thing went offMost unexpectedly!Tom didn’t know ’twas loaded, andIt scared him ’most to death—He tumbled flat upon the floorAnd fairly gasped for breath.The bullet smashed a fine French clock(The clock had just struck three),Then made a hole clean through the wall,As ..

The Lives of Celebrated Travellers, Vol. 3

The Lives of Celebrated Travellers, Vol. 3

by James Augustus St. John

MUNGO PARK: This enterprising and distinguished traveller was born on the 10th of September, 1771, at Fowlshiels, a farm occupied by his father on the banks of the Yarrow, near Selkirk. In common with the greater number of the sons of Scottish yeomen, Mungo Park, notwithstanding that the number of his brothers and sisters amounted to no less than t..