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The Sun Also Rises

The Sun Also Rises

by Ernest Hemingway

Robert Cohn was once middleweight boxing champion of Princeton. Do not think that I am very much impressed by that as a boxing title, but it meant a lot to Cohn. He cared nothing for boxing, in fact he disliked it, but he learned it painfully and thoroughly to counteract the feeling of inferiority and shyness he had felt on being treated as a Jew a..

A Child's History of the World

A Child's History of the World

by V. M. Hillyer

In common with all children of my age, I was brought up on American History and given no other history but American, year in and year out, year after year for eight or more years.So far as I knew 1492 was the beginning of the world. Any events or characters before that time, reference to which I encountered by any chance, were put down in my mind i..

A dramatization of Longfellow's Hiawatha

A dramatization of Longfellow's Hiawatha

by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Is submitted this portrayal of the primitive life of the American Indians in their native forest home. Fully realizing how rapidly the race is becoming extinct before the onward march of civilizing influences, and how little the people of this and other countries really know of such customs, dress, and peculiarities, it is believed this spectacular..

Bobbie: a Story of the Confederacy

Bobbie: a Story of the Confederacy

by Kate Langley Bosher

Peter Black had given him the name of Mars’ Bobbie to distinguish him from Mars’ Robert, his father, and it seemed to fit so exactly and suit so well his cheery, lovable little self as a baby, and later as a boy, and even on to young manhood, that no one thought of calling him anything else, or loved any other name half so well for him.He was such ..

The King Who Went on Strike

The King Who Went on Strike

by Pearson Choate

The King leant against the stone balustrade, which runs round the roof of Buckingham Palace, and looked about him. All around him, above him, and below him, the night was ablaze with a myriad lights. Loyal Londoners, in accordance with their custom, were closing their Coronation celebrations with illuminations, with fireworks, and with good-humoure..

The Man Who Saved the Earth

The Man Who Saved the Earth

by Austin Hall

We read of the days when the powers of radium were yet unknown. It is told us that burns were produced by incautiously carrying a tube of radium salts in the pocket. And here in this story we are told of a different power, opalescence, due to another element. It can destroy mountains, excavate cavities of immeasurable depths and kill human beings a..

The Proofs of Christ's Resurrection

The Proofs of Christ's Resurrection

by Charles R. Morrison

The present treatise is intended to give what the author has often felt the need of—a compact and thoroughly reliable statement of the principal historical facts to the authenticity and integrity of the New Testament writings concerning our Lord, and the presumptions from them which establish his claims as our Divine Redeemer and Saviour.The questi..

Ballads and Other Poems

Ballads and Other Poems

by George Lansing Raymond

A collection of poems of  George Lansing Raymond includingOur First Break with the BritishThe Last Cruise of the GaspeeThe Lebanon Boys in BostonThe Crown’s Fight against the Town’s RightThe Rally of the FarmersEthan AllenHow Barton Took the GeneralA Song on SingingThe Music of LifeMy IdealCagedWhatever the Mission of Life may beThe Destiny-Ma..