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The Fourth Dimension

The Fourth Dimension

by Charles Howard Hinton

The fourth dimension is a subject which has had a great fascination for many teachers, and though one cannot pretend to have quite grasped Mr. Hinton’s conceptions and arguments, yet it must be admitted that he reveals the elusive idea in quite a fascinating light. Quite apart from the main thesis of the book many chapters are of great independent ..



by Jac. P. Thijsse

Dan wilden wij zoo gaarne, dat de plaatjes niet alleen de verzamellust der kinderen zouden bevredigen, maar ook dat ouders en anderen er vreugde van zouden kunnen hebben,—dat er voor allen wat uit te leeren zou zijn, wat hun lust tot opmerken zou prikkelen, hunne liefde voor de natuur zou vergrooten. En toen stond het plan ons spoedig geheel voor d..

Salve Venetia, gleanings from Venetian history  Vol-II

Salve Venetia, gleanings from Venetian history Vol-II

by F. Marion Crawford

Like other aristocracies, the Venetian government rarely destroyed or altogether abolished any office or regulation which had existed a long time. When a change was needed the duties or powers of one or more of the Councils were extended, or a committee of the Council of Ten was appointed and presently turned into a separate tribunal, as when the I..

The Hunter's Lodge Case

The Hunter's Lodge Case

by Agatha Christie

To begin with, Captain Hastings, you must understand that Hunter’s Lodge, where we are going, and where the tragedy took place, is only a small shooting-box in the heart of the Derbyshire moors. Our real home is near Newmarket, and we usually rent a flat in town for the season. Hunter’s Lodge is looked after by a housekeeper who is quite capable of..

The Laugh Maker

The Laugh Maker

by James Oliver Curwood

Bobby McTabb was born fat. He weighed fourteen pounds at the start—and kept going. He doubled up his avoirdupois at the end of the tenth month, was a fraternity joke at college in his twentieth year, and made the scales groan under two hundred and eighty pounds at the end of his thirtieth—when he came to Fawcettville. But don’t let these facts prej..

A Guide to Mythology

A Guide to Mythology

by Helen A. Clarke

The author's aim in this book on Mythology for young readers has been to give them solid knowledge on the subject, as far as it is advisable to go with immature minds, based upon the most recent investigations of scholars, and to select the myths used in illustration of the plan, with a view to giving them interesting stories to read, which will, a..

Buddhism and Christianity: A Parallel and a Contrast

Buddhism and Christianity: A Parallel and a Contrast

by Archibald Scott

The aim of the Lecture has not been to use the extravagances of Buddhism as a foil to set off the excellencies of Christianity. That Christianity as a religion is immensely superior to Buddhism goes without saying, unless in the case of a very small and conceited and purblind minority. I have tried by a fair exposition of what is best and highest i..

In the Garden of the Gods

In the Garden of the Gods

by William MacLeod Raine

When one is in the Garden of the Gods one should be, I suppose, in Elysian humor. My mood, to the contrary, for private reasons of my own, was thunderous. I lay on my elbow among the kinni-kinic where I had flung myself down in the shade of a silver spruce. But the sun was higher now, and its rare, untempered beat was on me. Naturally I used the sh..