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The Young Ice Whalers

The Young Ice Whalers

by Winthrop Packard

A look of pride and delight beamed in the careworn face of the elder Desmond, and the stoop came out of his shoulders a little as if a weight had been lifted from them. He had expected the boy would meet the news bravely and carry himself well. He knew his own blood. The Desmonds had never yet been the men to cry baby when unpleasant things had to ..

A Treatise on the Plague and Yellow Fever

A Treatise on the Plague and Yellow Fever

by James Tytler

Among the many diseases which afflict the human race, we find one, upon record, so irresistible in its progress, so fatal in its attacks, and so entirely beyond the powers of medicine; that, like the serpent Python, the Leviathan, or the Mammoth, among animals, it has generally been distinguished by names expressive of its destroying nature; not, l..

Rich men's children

Rich men's children

by Geraldine Bonner

The cold of foot-hill California in the month of January held the night. The occupants of the surrey were too cramped and stiffened by it, and too uncomfortably enwrapped against it, to speak. Silence as complete as that which lay like a spell on the landscape brooded over them. At the last stopping place, Chinese Gulch, a scattering of houses six ..

Death in Transit

Death in Transit

by Jerry Sohl

Clifton slammed the palms of his hands on the desk. Enough of that. He was captain of the ship and he had duties. He could not spend his time in the past. There were things to do. He must keep himself occupied. He must not think of her.Even though the days stretched into weeks he still found his steps faltering every time he walked past rooms where..

Graham's Magazine, Vol. XX, No. 4, April 1842

Graham's Magazine, Vol. XX, No. 4, April 1842

by George R. Graham

Edward Walpole, when he became the husband of Emily Severn, was apparently all that a woman could wish. He was warm hearted, of a noble soul, kind, gentle, and ever ready to waive his own selfish gratification at the call of duty. But, alas! he had one weakness, he did not act from principle. His generous deeds were the offspring of a warm heart ra..



by Betsy Curtis

They brought Father Phillip Burt to St. Luke's as our "share" of the research project on the mysterious disease which afflicted most of the crew of the recently returned Phoenix Nebula expedition. News of the disease, of course, was not spread beyond the research teams, as the public seems to fear a plague worse than damnation itself. And it didn't..

The Sin of Monsieur Antoine, Volume 1 (of 2)

The Sin of Monsieur Antoine, Volume 1 (of 2)

by George Sand

The Sin of Monsieur Antoine in the country, during a season of tranquillity, outward and inward, such as seldom occurs in one's life. It was in 1845, a period when criticism of society, as it was, and dreams of an ideal society attained in the press a degree of freedom of development comparable to that of the eighteenth century. Some day, perhaps, ..

A Vision of the Future, Based on the Application of Ethical Principles

A Vision of the Future, Based on the Application of Ethical Principles

by Jane Hume Clapperton

The world of thought has acquired new knowledge since then; and many social changes have occurred. The present volume is not a replica of that work, although, as before, my aim has been to gather together the currents of meliorism pursuing diverse courses throughout society and to throw upon these the light of fresh knowledge gained by investigator..