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The Light Machine

The Light Machine

by Ray Cummings

The little Moving Picture Theater was hot and stuffy; Tubby found an aisle seat with his friends, near the back. For a quarter of an hour or more he sat blinking at the flickering screen. The Topical Review interested him not at all; he yawned and squeezed his fat little body lower into the hard narrow seat. The wonders of celestial space were unfo..

A United States Midshipman Afloat

A United States Midshipman Afloat

by Yates Stirling

The Navy-Yard at Brooklyn buzzed with its daily turmoil of labor. It was a bright June morning, and the high chimneys of the numerous shops and foundries belched forth flame and smoke. Thousands of begrimed workmen toiled incessantly, hammering, bending and riveting masses of metal, fashioning them into shape to be carried by the steam cranes to be..

A United States Midshipman in the South Seas

A United States Midshipman in the South Seas

by Yates Stirling

In this story Midshipmen Phil Perry and Sydney Monroe, together with Boatswain’s Mate “Jack” O’Neil, act through an historic drama of a South Sea war.The same characters have seen active service in many parts of the world. In “A United States Midshipman Afloat,” life in a battle-ship of the Atlantic fleet, together with a typical South American rev..

The Book of History (Vol. 1 of 18)

The Book of History (Vol. 1 of 18)

by Various Authors

There is no need here to discuss the question how far it is possible to write a universal history, or on what lines such a history should proceed. These points may well be left where Lord Bryce leaves them in his introduction to this book. Nor need we consider what history is; the plain man may be left to make up his own mind as to that while the p..

The Conscript Mother

The Conscript Mother

by Robert Herrick

The citizens of Genzano certainly looked ugly. They were dirty and poor, and scowled at the young officer. The little town, for all its heavenly situation, seemed dreary and sad. The word “socialismo” scrawled on the stone walls had been half erased by the hand of authority. War meant to these people more taxes and fewer men to work the fields.The ..

An Art Shop in Greenwich Village

An Art Shop in Greenwich Village

by Ray Cummings

It was a room perhaps thirty feet in length and half as broad. My first impression as I stepped over the threshold was that I had stepped across the world—in one brief instant transported from the bare, ramshackle, tumbledown Bohemianism of Greenwich Village, into the semibarbaric, Levantine splendor of some Musselman ruler. The room was carpeted w..

Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 2

Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 2

by Hugo Munsterberg

The psychologist will find quarters in all parts of Emerson Hall. The general courses in psychology will be held on the first floor in the large lecture-room, which has nearly four hundred seats; and close by are the psychological seminary-room and smaller lecture-rooms for the advanced psychological courses. On the second floor the psychologist fi..

Pueblo pottery making

Pueblo pottery making

by Carl E. Guthe

The present paper is a careful study by Dr. Guthe of pottery making at San Ildefonso, a typical Pueblo Indian town on the Rio Grande, north of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The field-work was undertaken in 1921 as part of an archaeological survey of the Southwest, that has been carried on for a number of years by the Department of Archaeology of Phillips A..