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The Devil

The Devil

by Graf Leo Tolstoy

Towards the end of 1880, when he was fifty-two, Tolstoy one day approached the young tutor who lived in his house at Yasnaya Polyana, and in great agitation asked him to do him a service. The tutor, seeing Tolstoy so moved, asked what he could possibly do for him. In an unready voice Tolstoy replied: "Save me, I am falling!" The tutor, in alarm, in..

The King's Own Borderers: A Military Romance, Volume 1 (of 3)

The King's Own Borderers: A Military Romance, Volume 1 (of 3)

by James Grant

In the following volumes I have endeavoured to delineate the career of a soldier—and of a character that has not as yet, I think, figured in the pages of our military novelists—a Gentleman Volunteer, serving with a line regiment in time of war, according to a custom which survived even the memorable battles of the Peninsula. As the scene of his adv..

The King's Own Borderers: A Military Romance, Volume 2 (of 3)

The King's Own Borderers: A Military Romance, Volume 2 (of 3)

by James Grant

Ignoring the source or cause of the excitement among the household, Cosmo lounged into the breakfast-parlour, where the silver urns were hissing amid a very chaste equipage, and where the September sun was shining in through clusters of sweet briar and monthly roses, and as he seated himself he handed to his father a long official-like document, at..

The King's Own Borderers: A Military Romance, Volume 3 (of 3)

The King's Own Borderers: A Military Romance, Volume 3 (of 3)

by James Grant

For two other entire days the rain continued to pour as it only pours in the Peninsula during the wet season, and our travellers were compelled to keep close within the doors of the Villa de Maciera. Could Quentin have lifted the veil that hides the future, and foreseen the turmoil and danger in which this unexpected delay would eventually involve ..

The Strangest Things in the World

The Strangest Things in the World

by Thomas R. Henry

The challenges of Nature’s paradoxes have been sharp spurs to man’s search for knowledge since the start of science. Fortunately the number of these paradoxes is infinite, and so the quests are endless. Man never will know a wonderless world. In the phenomena of life especially we have come only to the zone of morning twilight. The bright day of un..

An Open Verdict: A Novel, Volume 1 (of 3)

An Open Verdict: A Novel, Volume 1 (of 3)

by Mary Elizabeth Braddon

It was the Vicar’s way in these tête-à-tête conversations by the domestic hearth. He read, and his wife talked to him. He could keep his attention on the most intricate chain of argument, and yet never answer Mrs. Dulcimer’s speculative assertions or vague questionings away from the purpose. This was the happy result of long habit. The Vicar loved ..

Fifty Photographic Views of Plymouth

Fifty Photographic Views of Plymouth

by John F. Murphy

Fifty Photographic Views of Plymouth contains Alden House, Boston Steamboat “Plymouth”, Bradford Monument, Burial Hill, Canopy over Plymouth Rock, Clarke, Grave of Thomas, Clark’s Island, Cole’s Blacksmith Shop, Cole’s Hill, Common House, Compact, County Court House, Court Street, Crow House, Cushman Monument, Departure of the Pilgrims—Paintin..

Reflections on the Music Life in the United States

Reflections on the Music Life in the United States

by Roger Sessions

Let us consider certain facts which likewise tell us little of quality, but do reveal decisive changes in the conditions determining our music life. When the author of this volume decided, for instance, at the tender age of thirteen, to embark upon a career as a composer, there was no representative musician living in the United States. His parents..