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Double Crossed

Double Crossed

by W. Douglas Newton

The little lawyer rushed over to Clement and caught him by the lapel of his coat. “No! no! no!” he cried. “Please do understand. It is this hurry that has made everything so complicated. She is going to Canada to marry Henry Gunning. But she must not marry him. She must be prevented. That’s what I want you to do. I want you to make her marry you in..

The Amateur Inn

The Amateur Inn

by Albert Payson Terhune

When Osmun Vail came back, at sixty-one, to the Berkshire farm that had been his father’s until the mortgage was foreclosed, he was worth something more than five million dollars. His life-battle had been fought and won. His tired soul yearned unspeakably for the peace and loveliness of the pleasant hill country where he had been born—the homeland ..

The Black Star: A School Story for Boys

The Black Star: A School Story for Boys

by Andrew H. Walpole

Jack Symonds stood with his back to one of the great station pillars, gazing upon the animated scene with interest. There were scores of the Deepwater College boys, in their blue-and-gold caps, drawn to the city from far and near, to catch the school train. New juniors, unnaturally silent, were hustled into carriages under the care of Mr. Kemp, the..

The Book of Alfalfa: History, Cultivation and Merits

The Book of Alfalfa: History, Cultivation and Merits

by F. D. Coburn

This volume, however strong its statements in favor of alfalfa may appear to those unacquainted with that plant’s productivity and beneficence, is by no means presented as an argument that everyone should raise alfalfa. It is intended rather as a conservative setting forth of what others have found alfalfa to be and do under wide variations of soil..

The Cross and the Hammer: A Tale of the Days of the Vikings

The Cross and the Hammer: A Tale of the Days of the Vikings

by H. Bedford-Jones

This is a story about the very real people and events; if ever you chance to read the old Sagas of Norway you will come upon most of the characters of this tale. The viking age was not Christian, it was full of the clash of arms and of unknightly deeds, yet its story is vitally interesting.The Hammer of Thor, the War-god of northern Europe, did not..

Letters from Australia

Letters from Australia

by John Martineau

Some people who have been to the Antipodes and back will tell you that a voyage to Australia in a good sailing ship is a very pleasant way of spending three months. Seen through the halo of distance it may seem so; certainly it leaves pleasant and amusing reminiscences behind. But I doubt if one person in twenty on board our excellent ship the Merc..

The Bee Keeper's Guide (Fourth Edition)

The Bee Keeper's Guide (Fourth Edition)

by J. H. Payne

Having written the "Cottager's Guide for the Management of his Bees, upon the Depriving System," which has been printed under the direction of the Suffolk and Norfolk Apiarian Society, for gratuitous distribution amongst the Cottagers, I am induced, at the particular request of several Apiarian friends, to enlarge the above little work, and to give..

Around the Circle: One Thousand Miles Through the Rocky Mountains

Around the Circle: One Thousand Miles Through the Rocky Mountains

by Anonymous

THE TOURIST in search of grand and beautiful scenery finds an embarrassment of riches in Colorado. Among so many attractions he is at a loss which to choose, and having made a choice, he is frequently troubled with doubts as to the wisdom of his selection. Recognizing this fact, the Passenger Department of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, afte..