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The Principles of Biology, Volume 2 (of 2)

The Principles of Biology, Volume 2 (of 2)

by Herbert Spencer

Turning from the additions to the revisions, I have to say that the aid needed for bringing up to date the contents of this volume, has been given me by the gentlemen who gave me like aid in revising the first volume: omitting Prof. Perkin, within whose province none of the contents of this volume fall. Plant-Morphology and Plant-Physiology have be..

Relics of Primeval Life

Relics of Primeval Life

by Sir J. William Dawson

The author was associated with the original discovery and description of these supposed earliest traces of life; and has since, in the intervals of other work, devoted much time to further exploration and research, the results of which have been published from time to time in the form of scientific papers. He has also given attention to the later d..

The Man Higher Up

The Man Higher Up

by Edwin Balmer

The first real blizzard of the winter had burst upon New York from the Atlantic. For seventy-two hours—as Rentland, chief clerk in the Broadway offices of the American Commodities Company, saw from the record he was making for President Welter—no ship of any of the dozen expected from foreign ports had been able to make the company’s docks in Brook..

The Right Thing

The Right Thing

by Ray Cummings

The girl stood quiet in the cabin doorway looking out at the brilliant, frosty night. Over Sugar Loaf the cold, glittering moon shone full; the big fir on its summit stood stark and black against the vivid blue of the star-studded sky behind, like a giant sentinel watching over the silent valley.Below her, at the bottom of the little pass, the wind..

The Rover Boys at Big Bear Lake

The Rover Boys at Big Bear Lake

by Arthur M. Winfield

This book is a complete story in itself, but forms the seventh volume in a line issued under the general title, “The Second Rover Boys Series for Young Americans.”As told in some volumes of the First Series, this line of books was started years ago with the publication of “The Rover Boys at School,” “On the Ocean,” and “In the Jungle,” in which I i..

Southern Soldier Stories

Southern Soldier Stories

by George Cary Eggleston

They wait with the certain knowledge that in a few minutes the advancing army will throw men forward, and thus convert its skirmish line into a line of attack; while on their own side they know that their skirmish line, after making all of discovery that temporary resistance can accomplish, will fall back, and that then the crucial conflict will be..

Stormy, Misty's Foal

Stormy, Misty's Foal

by Marguerite Henry

In the gigantic Atlantic Ocean just off the coast of Virginia a sliver of land lies exposed to the smile of the sun and the fury of wind and tide. It almost missed being an island, for it is only inches above the sea. The early Indians who poled over from the mainland to hunt deer and otter and beaver named this wind-rumpled island Chin-co-teague, ..

The Hobo: The Sociology of the Homeless Man

The Hobo: The Sociology of the Homeless Man

by Nels Anderson

The present volume is intended to be the first of a series of studies of the urban community and of city life. The old familiar problems of our communal and social life—poverty, crime, and vice—assume new and strange forms under the conditions of modern urban existence. Inherited custom, tradition, all our ancient social and political heritages—hum..