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Perfection City

Perfection City

by Adela E. Orpen

The house of which the young bride had just taken possession was by no means an ordinary prairie house. Far from it. It had pretensions to comfort which the true prairie house should never possess, and it lacked the few elements of picturesqueness with which the genuine article is sometimes endowed. The plan on which it was built was of the simples..

The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, Volume 1 (of 3)

The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, Volume 1 (of 3)

by James Augustus St. John

Many moral phenomena appear to baffle the sagacity of statesmen, because, confiding too implicitly in experience, they omit to widen the range of their contemplation so as to embrace the whole circle of the people’s existence whose fortunes and character they desire to comprehend. To be successful in such an inquiry it is requisite to lay open, as ..

Troubled Waters

Troubled Waters

by Bertrand W. Sinclair

Life is a ghastly joke sometimes. It lifts a man to the pinnacle of his dreams—and then blows up the pinnacle. Instance this city man, turned logger. The first time I met Joe Galloway after he married, I envied him. A friendly, good-natured envy, you understand. He had attained what looked to me like genuine success; he had got somewhere, both in a..

Jerry Todd and the Talking Frog

Jerry Todd and the Talking Frog

by Leo Edwards

The boys around my neighborhood were always talking about how spooky and funny your books were,” writes Carl A. Swanson of Minneapolis, Minn. “I never had read one of your books. But I decided to read one to see if it was as good as my friends had said. Boy, was it ever hot! It was Poppy Ott and the Freckled Goldfish. I just got Poppy Ott and the T..

Our Village in War-time

Our Village in War-time

by S. T. Martyn

The incidents in the following narrative are real, and have actually occurred in the present struggle for our national life, though not precisely in the order here indicated. Liberty has been taken in locating and arranging them, and names and places are assumed. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by the American Tract Society,..

Peaks of Shala

Peaks of Shala

by Rose Wilder Lane

Author's Introduction: I would not have this book considered too seriously. It is not an attempt to untangle one thread in the Balkan snarl; it is not a study of primitive peoples; it is not a contribution to the world’s knowledge, and I hope no one will read it to improve the mind. It should be read as the adventures in it were lived, with a gayly..

The Little Lady of the Horse

The Little Lady of the Horse

by Evelyn Raymond

Old Sutro and young Steenie were where they might have been found on almost every day at the same hour,—down on the beach, where the great cañon cut through the mesa to the sea.A group of rocks, roughly piled, and a few evergreen shrubs clustering about them, made a pleasant break in a long, monotonous stretch of coast, and the coolness of the spot..

Tractor Principles

Tractor Principles

by Roger B. Whitman

The tractor of to-day is built in almost as many types and designs as there are tractor makers, and is far from being as standard as the automobile. There are tractors with one driving wheel, with two driving wheels, with three and with four, as well as three arrangements of the crawler principle; there are two-wheelers, three-wheelers and four-whe..