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War, 52 Carey Cartoons

War, 52 Carey Cartoons

by Ray Smith

From time immemorial the human race has been interested in pictures of persons, scenes and things; and one of the most potent means of driving home ideas and lessons, and oftentimes of arousing human passions, is the cartoon. No longer venomous, the cartoon is regarded as a humorous or sarcastic comment on topics uppermost in the nation’s mind. It ..

The Black Tiger

The Black Tiger

by Patrick O'Connor

Cindy Lou was Woody's hot rod. Or to be more precise, she was Woody's 1940 Ford coupé, which he was converting into a hot rod with the hope one day of competing in drag races. He'd already milled her head, worked over the chassis, changed the gear ratio, and moved the engine so that it was no longer in front of the driver's seat. Instead it was alo..

The Play-day Book: New Stories for Little Folks

The Play-day Book: New Stories for Little Folks

by Fanny Fern

Since “Little Ferns” was published, I have had many letters, and messages, from little children all over the country, asking me “to write them soon another little book of stories.” Here is one that I have prepared for you and them: I hope you will like it; for some of you, it will be too young a book; for some of you, too old; those for whom it is ..

Riallaro: The Archipelago of Exiles

Riallaro: The Archipelago of Exiles

by Godfrey Sweven

I was working up a watercourse, panning the sand and dirt that lay in the crevices and occasional levels, at times startled by a weka that impudently slid through the undergrowth and eyed me close at hand, or by the harsh call of the kea, as it flew from some resting-place and circled in the air. Rudely awakened from my absorption, I looked out on ..

The Growth of the English House

The Growth of the English House

by J. Alfred Gotch

The object aimed at in the following pages is to tell the story of the growth of the English house from its first appearance in a permanent form down to the time of our grandfathers, when it lost much of its interest. Although it is a history of domestic architecture, no deep architectural knowledge is required to understand it; technical terms are..



by Robert Ford

Humorous Scottish anecdotes have been an abundant crop; and collectors of them there have been not a few. Dean Ramsay’s garrulous and entertaining Reminiscences, and Dr. Charles Rogers’ Familiar Illustrations of Scottish Life excepted, however, the published collections of our floating facetiæ have been “hotch-potch” affairs. Revelations each of so..

We Women and Our Authors

We Women and Our Authors

by Laura Marholm

We German women are accustomed to look upon ourselves as an appendage to or a part of man. Up till now it has been the chief object and the pride of our existence to subordinate ourselves to him, and to look after his comforts. It is so no longer, or at any rate it is not as common as it used to be. Women have begun to ask: Who am I? and not: Whose..

Jerry Todd and the Oak Island Treasure

Jerry Todd and the Oak Island Treasure

by Leo Edwards

What you will particularly like about this book, I believe, is our money-making canal-boat show. We fixed up Dad’s old clay scow swell, with a stage and audience seats and everything. We even had a sort of “orchestra.” Oh, boy! The way that old merry-go-round hand organ gurgled out its tunes when we twisted its tail! And the fun we had! Scoop ..