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The Congressman’s Wife

The Congressman’s Wife

by John D. Barry

In this story my aim has not been primarily to depict conditions in American politics. This work has already been done far better than I could do it by several writers, among others, by Mr. Brand Whitlock, whose novel, “The Thirteenth District,” shows a remarkable insight and fidelity. I have merely used a familiar condition for the purpose of trac..

The County

The County

by Henry S. Gilbertson

The American people have never ceased, nor do they give any signs of ceasing, in their effort to master the mechanics of political democracy. Curiously, however, they have quite neglected one of the most promising of all the approaches to this study—the government of counties. It is in the belief that a discussion of this subject would tend to thro..

The Loom of the Desert

The Loom of the Desert

by Idah Meacham Strobridge

MISS GLENDOWER sat on the ranch-house piazza, shading her eyes from the white glare of the sun by holding above them—in beautiful, beringed fingers—the last number of a Boston magazine. It was all very new and delightful to her—this strange, unfinished country, and each day developed fresh charm. As a spectacle it was perfect—the very desolation an..

The Meccas of the World

The Meccas of the World

by Ruth Cranston

Like most widely accepted notions, this is picturesque but untrue. The Americans of America, or at least the New Yorkers of New York, are not the handful of men cutting off coupons in mahogany offices “down-town”; nor the silken, sacheted women gliding in and out of limousines, with gold purses. They are the swarm of shop-keepers and “specialists,”..

The Negro Migrant in Pittsburgh

The Negro Migrant in Pittsburgh

by Abraham Epstein

This little study of the Negro Migration to Pittsburgh was first suggested as a thesis subject in a university class in Social Economy in May, 1917. Our great steel city of the North calls many unskilled workers to its mills. The migration of Negroes to fill the gaps in the ranks of this labor force, opened up by the cessation of European immigrati..

Bob Bowen Comes to Town

Bob Bowen Comes to Town

by H. Bedford-Jones

Bowen and Dickover gazed at each other, appraisingly. After a moment they began to discuss mining stocks. The drummer listened attentively, and after venturing one timid assertion which was promptly quashed by Dickover, ventured no more. At length the train slowed down, and he sprang to his feet.“Gee, I’d plumb forgotten that I had to make a stop!”..

Comparison of Woods for Butter Boxes

Comparison of Woods for Butter Boxes

by Grover Dean Turnbow

Butter boxes used in shipping and storing butter in California, are usually made of spruce which is largely shipped in from other states particularly from Washington and Oregon.With the recent war, however, there came an acute shortage of spruce on the Pacific Coast with a corresponding increase in price. The commercial manufacturers did some work ..

Glow Worm

Glow Worm

by Harlan Ellison

The men who knew no other answer stayed and fought. They were the ones who fathered the Attilas, the Genghis Khans, the Hitlers. They were the ones who pushed the buttons and launched the missiles that chased each other across the skies, fell like downed birds, exploded, blasted, cratered, chewed-out and carved-out the face of the planet. They were..