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The Mystics of Islam

The Mystics of Islam

by Reynold Alleyne Nicholson

If Judaism, Christianity and Islam have no little in common in spite of their deep dogmatic differences, the spiritual content of that common element can best be appreciated in Jewish, Christian and Islamic mysticism, which bears equal testimony to that ever-deepening experience of the soul when the spiritual worshipper, whether he be follower of M..

Gilbert Weather Bureau (Meteorology) for Boys

Gilbert Weather Bureau (Meteorology) for Boys

by A. C. Gilbert

In the minds of most people a very silly notion prevails about the weather and the weather man. They have a general impression that the weather knows no laws—that it is lawless and reckless, fickle and changeable; that the weather man is a sort of conjurer, and by some mysterious gift he is able to prophesy things that most people know nothing abou..

Determination of the Atomic Weight of Cadmium

Determination of the Atomic Weight of Cadmium

by Harry C. Jones

The method of weighing the more or less hygroscopic cadmium sulphate is open to criticism when employed in accurate work. The cadmium sulphate was placed in an open boat, dried, cooled over sulphuric acid, and weighed. It was again dried, cooled as before, and weighed. The second weighing could be quickly accomplished since the approximate weight w..

Lincoln, the American

Lincoln, the American

by Frank O. Lowden

Principles rather than policies appealed to Abraham Lincoln. All great questions seemed to him to involve some moral quality. It was his habit, therefore, to resolve them into their simple fundamentals. It thus happens that many of his words are as apt and forceful to-day as when they were first spoken by him. Your Club has recognized this fact and..

Phantom Duel

Phantom Duel

by Ford McCormack

Will Archer idly poked one of the array of keys which studded the wings of his control chair. The pattern of stars which sprayed into a twelve-foot black bowl from a knobbed projector above his head winked out and was promptly replaced by the rounding, yellow-green bulk of Vega VII, less than two diameters away.He was not sorry that its image was r..

Blotted Out

Blotted Out

by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding

James Ross was well content, that morning. He stood on the deck, one elbow on the rail, enjoying the wind and the cold rain that blew in his face, enjoying still more his feeling of complete isolation and freedom.None of the other passengers shared his liking for this bleak November weather, and he had the windward side of the deck to himself. He w..

Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden

Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden

by Henry Newland

Sketches in Norway and Sweden! Are they fact or fiction? are they to be instructive or simply entertaining? These are questions which the public has a right to ask, and which the author means to answer as truly as he can. He hopes there will be a little of both. At least, in making this selection from his own and his friends’ journals, he has had b..

Our Winnie, and The Little Match Girl

Our Winnie, and The Little Match Girl

by Evelyn Everett-Green

WINIFRED sat by the nursery window, upon the wide cushioned seat, leaning her little pale face against the glass and gazing with big blue eyes towards the rosy sky, where the sun was setting in a blaze of golden glory.It was a pretty view the great oriel window commanded—garden and shrubbery just below, and beyond the close laurel hedge, low-lying ..