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The English Home from Charles I. to George IV.

The English Home from Charles I. to George IV.

by J. Alfred Gotch

This book take up the story of the English House at the point to which it was carried in my former work on Early Renaissance Architecture in England, and carry it to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Between them the two books present the history of domestic architecture from the time when houses were becoming homes instead of fortresses, un..

The Wilderness Trail

The Wilderness Trail

by H. Bedford-Jones

The year 1810 was more commonly known, at least in the Kentucky wilderness, as the thirty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States. Backwoods folk are simple folk, proud of what they and their fathers have done.Although split with vexatious questions of Federal or Democrat, rent asunder by argument over the Great Conspiracy of Aaron Bur..

West Port Murders

West Port Murders

by Anonymous

We have heard a great deal of late concerning “the march of intellect” for which the present age is supposed to be distinguished; and the phrase has been rung in our ears till it has nauseated us by its repetition, and become almost a proverbial expression of derision. But we fear that, with all its pretended illumination, the present age must be c..

Knightly Legends of Wales

Knightly Legends of Wales

by Sidney Lanier

King Arthur was at Caerlleon-upon-Usk; and one day he sat in his chamber, and with him were Owain the son of Urien, and Kynon the son of Clydno, and Kai the son of Kyner, and Gwenhwyvar and her handmaidens at needle-work by the window. And if it should be said that there was a porter at Arthur's palace, there was none. Glewlwyd Gavaelvawr was there..

The Black Cat (Vol. I, No. 1, October 1895)

The Black Cat (Vol. I, No. 1, October 1895)


The girl carried herself after the fashion of high steppers, and neither fellow could swear where he stood. It was laughter and spirit for both of them, they said, and nip and tuck for the yielding. The pace was the sort that exhausts men, and Shorty's brain for lawyering cooked up a scheme for his rescue. He was for their going together some night..

Bantu Beliefs and Magic

Bantu Beliefs and Magic

by C. W. Hobley

It is often said that the longer one knows the native the less one knows, and the less one understands him. This expression is doubtless comforting to persons who have not the patience to systematically study him and his views on life, but it could with convenience be replaced by a saying to the effect that the more one knows of the native the more..



by Elizabeth Weston Timlow

Kayuna was the loveliest home in the world. At least, the Ward children said so. The family usually went out of the city as soon as the children’s schools closed, in June, and stayed in the country till quite the first of October.Kayuna was also the name of a brook that danced gayly through the lower part of the grounds of the summer home, and that..

The Thing Beyond Reason

The Thing Beyond Reason

by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding

The house was very quiet to-night. There was nothing to disturb Miss Alexandra Moran but the placid ticking of the clock and the faint stir of the curtains at the open window. For that matter, a considerable amount of noise would not have troubled her just then. As she sat at the library table, the light of the shaded lamp shone upon her bright, ru..