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Despotism and Democracy: A Study in Washington Society and Politics

Despotism and Democracy: A Study in Washington Society and Politics

by Molly Elliot Seawell

Certain aspects of Washington, both outward and inward, are like Paris. Especially is this true of the outward aspect on a wet night, when the circles of yellow-flaring gas lamps are reflected in the shining expanse of asphalt, when the keen-flashing electric lights blaze upon the white façades of great buildings and the numerous groups of statuary..

The Manly Boy

The Manly Boy

by Walter Aimwell

The steamer’s bell is pealing forth its last call. The huge, hot engine, as if impatient of delay, seems hissing at every joint, while the dark clouds that roll up from its smoke-pipes tell of the activity of the sweltering firemen below. The hawser is cast off. A tardy passenger or two are hurried over the gangway, and their baggage sent after the..

Women of 'Ninety-Eight

Women of 'Ninety-Eight

by Mrs. Thomas Concannon

They tell a beautiful and poetical story about the croppies’ graves in Wexford. Many of them carried in their coat pockets wheat seed gathered in the fields to satisfy their hunger. When they were buried in their shallow graves the seed sprouted and pushed its way up to the light, and the peasants, seeing the patches of waving grain here and there ..

A Courier of Fortune

A Courier of Fortune

by Arthur W. Marchmont

The hot noontide sun was pouring down into the market place of Morvaix and in the shadow cast by the great Cross of St. Jean in the centre, a handsome but very soberly dressed cavalier was sheltering from the fierce July heat and closely observing the townspeople as they clustered here and there to engage in eager animated discussion. Every now and..

A Girton Girl

A Girton Girl

by Annie Edwards

Guernsey. Imagine that dot of granite washed round by such blue as our western Channel shows in June; imagine carnation-smelling sunshine, a friendly trio of young persons breakfasting, with appetite, on the lime-shaded lawn of Miller’s Sarnian Hotel; imagine the flutter of a muslin dress, the presence of a beautiful girl of two-and-twenty, and the..

Landmarks Medical and Surgical

Landmarks Medical and Surgical

by Luther Holden

In the present Edition the author adheres to his decision not to introduce Diagrams. Additional experience more than ever convinces him that they would frustrate his original object, which is to teach Students the habit of making the eye and the hand work together, and to educate the ‘touch’ upon the normal living body.Without such practical traini..

Mountain Craft

Mountain Craft

by Geoffrey Winthrop Young

This book is for mountaineers; and a mountaineer is not only one who climbs mountains, but anyone who likes to walk, read, or think about them. I do not myself attach much value to mountaineering handbooks: an open-air pursuit can only be learned by practical attempt and from good example. I used to read them for the fun of surprising some hero of ..

The Chemical Constituents of Piper Methysticum

The Chemical Constituents of Piper Methysticum

by Alice A. Ball

Among the customs peculiar to the inhabitants of the South Pacific Islands, perhaps the most noted is that of the preparation and drinking of a narcotic beverage called ava, kava, or yakona. Much of its notoriety arises from the repulsive way in which it is sometimes made. Aside from this, it is characteristic of a certain oceanic area, and seems t..