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by H. De Vere Stacpoole

Kray has given up hunting these five years and is now manager of the Sellagman Salmon Canning Company, at least he looks after the fishing and the canning and gets two thousand dollars a year for the job, while I expect the real manager, the man who looks after the New York office and the prospectuses and so forth, gets ten—maybe more. I don’t know..

Smuggling and Smugglers in Sussex

Smuggling and Smugglers in Sussex

by Anonymous

In September, 1747, one John Diamond, otherwise Dymar, agreed with a number of smugglers to go over to the Island of Guernsey, to smuggle tea, where, having purchased a considerable quantity, on their return in a cutter, were taken by one Capt. Johnson, who carried the vessel and tea to the port of Poole, and lodged the tea in the Custom-house ther..

The Invention of Typography

The Invention of Typography

by Frederick W. Hamilton

The writer of this book makes no claim to original investigation. The materials for such investigation do not exist to any considerable extent in this country. The results of such an investigation would form a book not suited to this series.The writer has attempted to set forth briefly the conditions which brought about the invention of printing an..

The Sin of Monsieur Antoine, Volume 2 (of 2)

The Sin of Monsieur Antoine, Volume 2 (of 2)

by George Sand

Jean spoke with such conviction, and his black eyes gleamed so bright beneath his grizzly bushy eyebrows, that Emile could not help being moved. He begged him to give his reasons for talking as he did, and the carpenter refused for a long time. At last, conquered by his persistence, and a little irritated by his doubts, he made an appointment with ..

Thoughts on the Education of Daughters

Thoughts on the Education of Daughters

by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Girls learn something of music, drawing, and geography; but they do not know enough to engage their attention, and render it an employment of the mind. If they can play over a few tunes to their acquaintance, and have a drawing or two (half done by the master) to hang up in their rooms, they imagine themselves artists for the rest of their lives. I..

A United States Midshipman in China

A United States Midshipman in China

by Yates Stirling

Those who have read “A United States Midshipman Afloat” will recall that Philip Perry and his friend, Sydney Monroe, recent graduates of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, had been but a short time in the regular naval service when the battle-ship “Connecticut,” to which they had been assigned, was ordered to a South American port. Here they found a r..

Angling Improved

Angling Improved

by Robert Venables

The minds of anglers being usually more calm and composed than many others, especially hunters and falconers, who too frequently lose their delight in their passion, and too often bring home more of melancholy and discontent than satisfaction in their thoughts; but the angler, when he hath the worst success, loseth but a hook or line, or perhaps, w..

Bee-keeping for the Many

Bee-keeping for the Many

by J. H. Payne

With regard to the materials of which hives are made, I believe it to be a matter of indifference whether straw or wood be used, but the facility and economy in the construction of straw hives must always be a recommendation, especially to the cottager. Having, therefore, decided upon the materials for cottagers' hives, their form must now be consi..