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The North Shore Mystery

The North Shore Mystery

by Henry Fletcher

The door was locked on the inside.  It was decided without hesitation to burst it open.  This being done, the spectators were horrified to find the senseless form of Mrs. Booth stretched on the floor, and in the bed itself the lifeless corpse of p. 3Mr. Booth.  Further examination showed the death of this gentleman to be no natural e..

The Overman

The Overman

by Upton Sinclair

This is the story of Edward, as he told it to me only a few days before he died; he told it as he lay half paralysed, and knowing that the hand of death was upon him. I am by profession a scientist. My story goes back some fifty years, when I was a student. I had one brother, Daniel, five years younger than myself, a musician of extraordinary ..

The Valley of Content

The Valley of Content

by Blanche Upright

Over the immaculate, freshly ironed white cotton cloth on the little table set near the window in the kitchen-dining room of the Bentons’ tiny bungalow, a paper-shaded lamp glowed rosily. From its tempered rays, the plated knives and forks and spoons, polished to a shine that forgave the nickel spots of usage, caught a pinkish tinge, and the bowl o..

A New Aristocracy

A New Aristocracy

by Alice E. Bartlett

Mr. Murchison had been the rector of the small parish of Barnley, distant perhaps a hundred miles from the city of C——, the great commercial center of the West, and having attended faithfully to his duties for a series of years, had been stricken at last with the dread pangs of consumption. Two years of painful waiting had passed away, and now the ..

Scientific Sprague

Scientific Sprague

by Francis Lynde

CONNOLLY, off-trick division despatcher, doubling on the early night trick for Jenner, whose baby was sick, snapped his key-switch at the close of a rapid fire of orders sent to straighten out a freight-train tangle on the Magdalene district, sat back in his chair, and reached for his corn-cob pipe with a fat man’s sigh of relief.Over in the corner..

The Evolution of Marriage and of the Family

The Evolution of Marriage and of the Family

by Ch. Letourneau

He will do well to begin by persuading himself, with Montaigne, that the “hinges of custom” are not always the “hinges of reason,” and still less those of reality in all times and places. He will do better still to steep himself in the spirit of scientific evolution, and to bear in mind that incessant change is the law of the social, quite as much ..

The Silver Stallion: A Comedy of Redemptio

The Silver Stallion: A Comedy of Redemptio

by James Branch Cabell

They relate how Dom Manuel that was the high Count of Poictesme, and was everywhere esteemed the most lucky and the least scrupulous rogue of his times, had disappeared out of his castle at Storisende, without any reason or forewarning, upon the feast day of St. Michael and All the Angels. They tell of the confusion and dismay which arose in Dom Ma..

Wilderness Honey

Wilderness Honey

by Frank Lillie Pollock

All three turned and looked at the weatherbeaten side of the frame building adjoining the house—the store that for half a century had been known as “Harman’s.” It had been a great place in its day, had Harman’s. Almost the first recollections of all three children were connected with the store. They had played behind the counters, been weighed on t..