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The Automaton Ear, and Other Sketches

The Automaton Ear, and Other Sketches

by Florence McLandburgh

Ohe day was hardly different from many another day, though I will likely recall it even when the mist of years has shrouded the past in an undefined hueless cloud. The sunshine came in at my open window. Out of doors it flooded all the land in its warm summer light—the spires of the town and the bare college campus; farther, the tall bearded barley..

The Day of Resis

The Day of Resis

by Lillian Frances Mentor

Harry had long since learned to love Enola, but she had told him positively when he approached her on the subject of marriage, that she only thought of him as a brother, but that sometime she might learn to think of him in a different way; until that time, however, he must not mention the subject again. Harry had promised, and so the matter had res..

Where Stillwater Runs Deep

Where Stillwater Runs Deep

by B. M. Bower

The office door opened, admitting six feet of husky young manhood who saluted Murray and snapped into attention while he took in the entire office force with flicking glances of blue eyes that twinkled habitually. It may go on record that the entire office force instinctively patted its blond hair and modestly cast down its eyes of blue—with sundry..

A Handbook of Cookery for a Small House

A Handbook of Cookery for a Small House

by Jessie Conrad

Of all the books produced since the most remote ages by human talents and industry those only that treat of cooking are, from a moral point of view, above suspicion. The intention of every other piece of prose may be discussed and even mistrusted; but the purpose of a cookery book is one and unmistakable. Its object can conceivably be no other than..

The Life and Work of William Tindale

The Life and Work of William Tindale

by William Barrett Cooper

With the approach of the Fourth Centenary there is a demand for a memoir of Tindale, less detailed than the standard biography, yet preserving the perspective of history. To meet this demand this miniature has been prepared. It sets forth especially the ardent force of vision which sustained the exile in the depth and tumult of his toil.Diligent us..

Life of Christ

Life of Christ

by Giovanni Papini

For five hundred years those who call themselves free spirits because they prefer prison life to army service have been trying desperately to kill Jesus a second time—to kill Him in the hearts of men.The army of His enemies assembled to bury Him as soon as they thought they heard the death-rattle of Christ’s second death. Presumptuous donkeys mista..

The Little Fig-tree Stories

The Little Fig-tree Stories

by Mary Hallock Foote

There is a garden on a hill slope between the snows of the Sierra Nevada and the warm, rich valleys of the coast. It is in that region of Northern California where the pine belt and the fruit belt interlace. Both pine and fruit trees grow in that mountain garden, and there, in the new moon of February, six young Almond trees burst into flower.The P..

The Stilled Patter

The Stilled Patter

by James E. Gunn

It is surprising that a man who was the father of two children should accuse himself of depopulating the Earth. And yet it is because I was the father of two children that it happened.Pre-natal care of mothers and post-natal care of infants were subjects of compelling interest in those days, arriving monthly in the burgeoning women's magazines and ..