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How to Tell a Story and Other Essays

How to Tell a Story and Other Essays

by Mark Twain

How to Tell a Story and Other Essays is a series of essays written by Mark Twain, an American novelist and humorist who wrote the “The Great American Novel” The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.  Through this book of essays, Twain details his own style of writing, the difficulties of humor writing through couple of short stories provided along with..

The Hive

The Hive

by Will Levington Comfort

The Hive is a collection of short stories written by Will Levington Comfort, an American author remembered for his adventure novels. His notable works include Somewhere south of Sonora, Red fleece, The Shielding Wing, and The road of living men. This collection contains more than 25 stories including North Americans, Quickenings, Conquest Of F..

Prehistoric Man

Prehistoric Man

by W. L. H. Duckworth

Prehistoric Man is an anthropological work written by W. L. H. Duckworth. This book explores the human evolution from Palaeolithic Man and takes the reader through many chapters such as Alluvial Deposits And Caves, Associated Animals And Implements, Human Fossils And Geological Chronology, Human Evolution In The Light Of Recent Discoveries and conc..

A Boy's Will

A Boy's Will

by Robert Frost

A Boy's Will is a poetry collection of Robert Frost, an American author credited with four Pulitzer Prizes for his poetical works of A Further Range , New Hampshire: A Poem With Notes and Grace Notes, Collected Poems, and A Witness Tree. His notable contributions include plays, prose books and letters such as A Way Out, The Cow's in the Corn, A Mas..



by G. K. Chesterton

Heretics is a series of essays written by Gilbert Keith Chesterton, a Christian apologist with multifaceted literary personalities such as philosopher, poet, dramatist, journalist, orator, theologian and biographer. In this book of essay, the author argues that the contemporary society has changed to such extent that orthodoxy is not only consid..

Bliss and Other Stories

Bliss and Other Stories

by Katherine Mansfield

Bliss and Other Stories is a collection of short stories written by New Zealand writer Katherine Mansfield Beauchamp Murry, who was celebrated as a modernist writer during her short life span of 34 years. Her notable contributions in the form of novels, and collection of short stories include The Garden Party, The Scrapbook of Katherine Mansfield, ..

What's Wrong with the World

What's Wrong with the World

by G. K. Chesterton

What's Wrong with the World is a series of essays compiled from the literary critic Gilbert Keith Chesterton’s life time contributed works through newspapers and periodicals on feminism, education, government, business and other topics. Chesterton’s faith in Christianity and his clever and unique commenting skills and criticisms on materialism, ..

A Journey to the Centre of the Earth

A Journey to the Centre of the Earth

by Jules Verne

A Journey to the Centre of the Earth is a science fiction fantasy novel written by the French author Jules Verne, who is remembered for his mastery over science fiction writings such as Around the World in  Eighty Days, In the Year 2889, and From the Earth to the Moon. This novel is an adventurous exploration of traveling into the center of..