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The Poetical Works of John Milton

The Poetical Works of John Milton

by John Milton

The Poetical Works of John Milton is a collection of most popular poems of the English poet John Milton, remembered for his epic poem Paradise lost. Among his numerous works of poems, plays and proses notable are Lycidas, Paradise Regained, Of Reformation, Animadversions, History of Britain, and A Treatise of Civil Power. This collection of poem..

Howards End

Howards End

by E. M. Forster

Howards End is novel written by the English novelist Edward Morgan Forster, remembered for his lbrettist thought through his literary works of novels, short stories, poems, and essays. His notable works include A Room with a View , The Celestial Omnibus, Abinger Pageant, Billy Budd, and Where Angels Fear to Tread. This novel explores the social con..

Principles Of Political Economy

Principles Of Political Economy

by John Stuart Mill

Principles Of Political Economy is one of the most redundant text books on political economy, written by the English economist John Stuart Mill, whose notable publications include A Few Words on Non-intervention, On Liberty, Utilitarianism, The Subjection of Women, and A System of Logic. Principles Of Political Economy is categorically subdivide..

Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit

Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit

by Joel Chandler Harris

Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit is an African-American folktales collection written by the American folklorist Joel Chandler Harris, the creator of the fictional story narrator character Uncle Remus, which lead to series of Uncle Remus folk tales such as Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings, Uncle Remus and His Friends, Uncle Remus and the Little Boy..

Jaufry the Knight and the Fair Brunissende

Jaufry the Knight and the Fair Brunissende

by Mary Lafon

Jaufry the Knight and the Fair Brunissende is translated tales of King Arthurian tales originally written in French by Mary Lafon. This book contains ten stories of King Arthur adventures against supernatural powers such as The Adventure of the Forest, The Dwarf and the Lance, The Yeoman, The Castle of the Leper, The Orchard of Brunissende, The Bla..

What Men Live By and Other Tales

What Men Live By and Other Tales

by Graf Leo Tolstoy

What Men Live By and Other Tales is a collection of most popular short stories written by the Russian novelist Graf Leo Tolstoy, who is remembered for his novels War and peace, A Confession, and Anna Karenina. This collection contains three short stories titled as What do men live by?, How Much Land Does a Man Need?, and Twenty-three Tales/The Coff..

Up from Slavery -  An Autobiography

Up from Slavery - An Autobiography

by Booker T. Washington

Up from Slavery is the autobiography of African-American leader Booker T. Washington, who was born as slave and reached many heights of his career through education, which eventually made him to become the unchallenged leader of African-American community for nearly two and half decades. In this book, Washington narrates his fifty years of life,..

The Oxford Book of American Essays

The Oxford Book of American Essays

by W. C. Brownell

The Oxford Book of American Essays is a collection of essays written in English language by American writers. This handful of essays written by most popular American authors concerning various topics has been collected by American literary critic William Crary Brownell, who has been a journalist and editor of publishing houses like Charles Scribner..