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  • The First Men in the Moon

The First Men in the Moon

by H. G. Wells

The First Men in the Moon PDF edition and other H. G. Wells books available for free download from our library.


What could happen if human can develop a material which can overpowers force of gravity. H. G. Wells conceived this fact and narrates it through his space opera The First Men in the Moon. London business man Bedford is looking to overcome his financial crisis, meets Mr. Cavor, a physicist who had invented a revolutionary material named Cavorite which can negate the force of gravity.  Before they start commercial production of Cavorite, they get transported to moon by the premature Cavorite. Their adventure at moon is a thrilling story to read on. When the story unfolds, it is stated that Cavor is captured by Selenties, the civilization in the moon and his messages are received by Bedford at earth.

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