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  • Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night

by William Shakespeare

Twelfth Night PDF edition and other William Shakespeare books available for free download from our library.


"Twelfth Night" is a comical play written by William Shakespeare narrates the story of the twins Viola and Sebastian.  Viola believes her twin brother Sebastian is drowned in a shipwreck. She had been saved by the Captain and works in the Duke Orsino, however disguised as a man and naming herself as Cesario. Unable to convince her love to Olivia, Orsino assigns the job to Cesario. However Olivia falls in love with Cesario thinking her as a man. But Cesario (Viola) loves Orsino and the triangle love starts. Meanwhile Sebastian is not dead and reaches the Duke of Illyria and the look alike of Cesario and Sebastian making confusions. In the end the twins get married to Oilvia and Orsino.

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